Child Special Educational Support

SEND Children Support

We are a CIC supporting people with their mental health and providing one to one Trauma therapy to people who have experienced Trauma and PTSD. We will also be working with families with special needs children (Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health Problems and physical disabilities), enabling them to understand their childrenโ€™s conditions and seek appropriate support for their children and themselves.

We reach out to children and young people with Special Needs and their families across Swindon and beyond and in the process reduce the impact these conditions have on the young people themselves and those who care for them. This will consequently help improve the health and quality of life of humanity through efficiency and compassion.

What we Deliver?

  • Educate parents and carers about the prevalence of children with special education needs within the ethnic minority communities and the impact these can have on families if the appropriate support is not sought.
  • Creating awareness about some of the early signs of neurodevelopmental conditions. Have conversations about their initial worries and concerns from a cultural perspective and signpost them to the relevant professionals for appropriate support.
  • Empower them to seek further information from school SENDCo, Health Visitors, GPs, Social Services and Targeted Mental Health Services and other voluntary organizations such as Barnardoโ€™s, Swindon SEND Families Voice, and Swindon Carersโ€™ Centre where necessary.
  • Break down and explain how systems such as Social Services, Direct Payments, SEN Registers in school operate, and processes such as Neurodevelopmental Assessment pathways to families because many find these difficult to understand and access.
  • Offering practical support with paperwork such as Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), Early Help Records (EHRs), etc.; reading, explaining, and assisting them to understand and prepare their contributions towards this paperwork.
  • Promote the awareness of mental health in children and young people among ethnic minority families. Educate them about conditions such as stress, anxiety, and low-mood depression and encourage them to seek appropriate help.
  • Educating families on Trauma and how it presents in children, young people, and adults and how these can have a negative impact on their lives if appropriate support is not sought.
  • Create a safe space for families to discuss difficult and sensitive topics for better outcomes for the family.
  • Run presentations and workshops to small groups and church communities with the aim of promoting mental health and support for families with special needs children.
  • We aim to set up a support group where families with similar experiences can share and spend time together.

Looking for better support and solutions?

Why Us?

Our Community Focus

To provide a safe space where families of the Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities are able to have discussions about the stigma and challenges they face with having children with special needs (learning disabilities, neurodevelopmental conditions, physical disabilities, and mental health problems), equip them with the necessary knowledge & information to become confident in advocating for their children and young people while seeking appropriate support when needed in various aspects of their lives. 

Liaising with Primary and Secondary School settings, the Childrenโ€™s Services, Adult Transitions Teams, as well as the Churches/ Faith groups and gatherings to ensure families with special education needs children are reached. 

Adults who have suffered traumatic incidents and struggling to function in their day-to-day lives as they normally would. 

We are committed to providing the services needed to support the mental wellbeing of people from Ethic Minority Communities.

Key Features

Tailored Solution and Treatment Plan.

Office hours Mon-Fri (Day time)

Every treatment plan is carefully developed by our Professionals after understanding your personal history and tailored to your specific need for maximum impact.

We support our clients via, telephone, online video appointments , face to face and of course new or existing clients can message or email us with any queries or concern at any time and we will take action and respond.

Provide Patience and Support

Community Outreach

We provide information and professional knowledge to families to help them under their children or young people with special need and also to individuals struggling with trauma.

We advocate through schools, local churches and different groups to help reach people and families in need. Family Enrichment Services does not want you to feel alone and suffer in silence so we reach out into the community.